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Graduate recruiter

Graduate Recruiter

What is a graduate recruiter?

A graduate recruiter is someone who helps companies find and hire talented graduates for entry-level positions within their organization. They are responsible for attracting, evaluating, and selecting suitable candidates from a pool of recent graduates.

What does a graduate recruiter do?

Usually, a graduate recruiter does the following:

What does the day-to-day life of a graduate recruiter look like?

A graduate recruiter usually works between 9am and 5pm, Monday to Friday. However, some flexibility might be needed during peak hiring seasons or to attend recruitment events. Here are some tasks they might do during the day:

Where does a graduate recruiter work?

Graduate recruiters are typically employed by companies across various industries. They can work in-house within the HR department of a company or be part of dedicated recruitment agencies or consultancy firms. Some recruiters may specialize in specific industries, while others may work across different sectors. The location of work can vary depending on the company, but it is common to find graduate recruiters in major cities where many businesses are located.

What tools/software/hardware does a graduate recruiter use?

A graduate recruiter uses a variety of tools and software including:

What do I need to become a graduate recruiter?

To become a graduate recruiter, you can take one of the following paths:

What career paths are available?

There are several career paths available to you as a graduate recruiter, including:

What jobs are similar to a graduate recruiter?

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If you currently, or have previously worked in this job and you want to share your experiences, get in touch. We are happy for you to remain anonymous if you wish.